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Assessing Human Performance
Investigating the fitness levels of an average person, performing various classical exercises. The human example we examine is 70kg in weight & 1.7M in height, with consideration given to the energy required to perform each exercise in both 'Free-Weight' (body-weight only) & to perform the same (or similar) movement as a 'weighted-exercise' at their 1RM (One Repitition Max).

The goal of this thread is to ascertain the torque requirements of each DOF for a) Minimum Torque requirement at the joint/s to articulate limb-only & under no external load, b) Torque requirement at the joint/s to articulate the limb performing a weighted exercise equal to the average persons 1RM.

The hope is, after all of the relevant values have been calculated to within an acceptable tolerance/accuracy, that these data can finally be condense into a matrix style table which will permit, simplify & aid in the scaling process of bipedal humanoids, and lay a parametrised reference point in the designing process.
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